SPACE IS THE PLACE Vol.2, 2003 / 2004
interaktives Weltraumtagebuch, Projektion, Installation Gallery 2, Chicago, 2003 und Mixküche,
München, 2004 |
is the place Vol.2 ist ein interaktives Video-Tagebuch, das
meine fiktive künstlerische Weltraumexpedition schildert. In
kurzen Videosequenzen, die der Betrachter interaktiv durchclicken
kann, berichte ich von meiner Mission als erste Künstlerin im
Weltall, die die Arbeitsbedingungen für Kunst in der Schwerelosigkeit
erforscht, von meinen Auseinandersetzungen mit den Wissenschaftlern,
für die Design viel mehr wert ist als Kunst, und von den alltäglichen
Schwierigkeiten des Lebens im All zwischen Einsamkeit und mangelndem
Genuss. |
aus dem Weltraumtagebuch:
the world of space travel, as we know it,
has generally scientist purposes, military purposes and now also touristic
purposes. as often in history the arts were kept out so far. but now
the first artist is sent with a team of astronauts into space to explore
the working conditions for artists. the universe becomes a place of
public interest and investigation, thus a public space, that can be
compared to public spaces we know on earth. imagine a Serra sculpture
floating through the universe, illuminated at night to be seen from
earth. this space exploration tries to find out about the possibilities
for art works in space. as the artist on board of the space shuttle,
i am keeping an artistic diary of my thoughts and inspirations
during the trip. this is a summary of the first two weeks of my travel
that is already released to public. please understand that i can‘t
give further information about the present stage of the research as
it has to be analyzed first by national security. but i can tell that
the crew is still out there working towards a better world. we know
that the thoughts and prayers of our nation and the president are
with us. i promise to do my duty as the first artist in space. i thank
you all for your support. god save jeff koons
use the time until my mission is starting i am studying the history
of space travel. Most of the images are beautiful photographs. i really
like the family photograph of an astronaut lying in the moon sand
like an early boltanski. i also like the aesthetic of the machineries:
everything‘s glittery and golden it‘s time that i get
permission to start working out there!
today was more successful than yesterday. the exploration robot that
i designed for this space trip had his first mission today. i called
her robota, because she is the first female robot. she did a great
job! and she looked beautiful out there on the moon surface. the collected
some material that our scientists are analyzing now. also the first
time my colleagues clapped me on the shoulder. is design better and
more useful than art in space?