WHERE DO WE GO, 2005  
Event and installation,
National Theatre Building, Kampala / Uganda
in cooperation with German Ugandan Cultural Society and Alliance Française
96 balloons, helium, cards with messages, website
Beate Engl

The front of the national theatre with its circular structure looks like a grid or an abstract pixel system. I use it as an abstract dot matrix and through filling the holes of the circles I write a question over the surface of the whole building: Where do we go? As material I used black air balloons that are simply placed in the circle holes fixed and protected by foam. The balloons filled with helium form the letters and words of the question. They are fixed for a few hours and then released into the air. Each balloon is carrying a message written on a little card. The messages are wishes, hopes and questions written by over 112 former street kids and children still living on the streets of Kampala. For them the question is not only a future vision, but a daily need. Where do we sleep at night? Where do we go in the future? What will it bring? Where are we going from here? At the end of the day balloons and messages are flying away and symbolically asking themselves and maybe showing the way for a future option.

Find more information about our stay in Kampala and the project of Annamirl Weishäupl here >http://www.framework-online.de
This artist excange was supported by the Oberpfälzer Künstlerhaus, the Uganda Artist Association, the IFA and a project grant by the City of Munich.
Beate Engl
Beate Engl